Dumping these posts in here as much as for reference as anything else, so theres a record of the part numbers I used. To fit the 4AGE20v but connect it to the 16v radiator, after much searching at Napa, found these to be almost perfect fit. Napa hose #7600 for the upper and #8379 for the lower. They do need to be cut down. BTW, PVC pipe cutter works quite well to cut hose. Continue reading ‘Hosed and Belted’
Tag Archive for '#4AGE 20V'
 Parts arrived, the shipping cost ten times more than the caps from DigiKey. At least they don’t have a minimum order, don’t know what I’d do with a 1,000 roll of 15microF caps. Prepped the board by desoldering and removing the bad caps, cleaning off the green gudis gunk, and scraping off the laquer on oxidized traces. Luckily they didn’t corrode badly and the traces were intact. I then ran it through the ultrasonic cleaner. Continue reading ‘Bad Caps’